11 Jun 30 Days of Liberation | Day 11
Becoming Conscious in Your Dreams
Today marks the beginning of the second third of this liberation process. With this in mind, I continue to draw from my morning journalling in order to shape this ongoing process, with the goal of integrating journalling and blogging. This is an excert from a writing flow on lucid dreaming, becoming conscious in your dreams.
“Becoming conscious in your dreams is a natural progression of your incrreased waking consciousness. It allows you to create even more consciousness in your waking state due to the nature of the mind becoming for agile. The three pratices of meditation, journalling and dreaming, represent a triangle, a deeply woven relationship for consciousness realization. As these become more connected, there will become progressively less difference in the state or feeling between these pratices. The power is in the ability to explore and process, ideas and imagery, without limits.”
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