Challenge Complete. The feeling of completing a challenge can bring mixed feelings. On one side there is a sense of accomplishment while on another there is a sense of uncertainty of what's to come. Perhaps in this feeling lays the true joy of not knowing that...

Next Challenge: 30 Days of Authenticity On to the next challenge. Being authentic. What stops us fro mexpressing ourselves more authentically? Our feeling of vulverability. So this is as much a challenge in vulnerability as it is autheticity. I have chosen to be in front of the...

Feet off the Ground Transport time gives a perfect opportunity to crank out some writing. We often imagine an ideal scenario, yet part of this liberation process is about demystifying the act of writing. Movement stimulates ideas, so it’s another reason why passive commuting can become active...

Lessons Learned As I approach the end of this challenge, I find myself reflecting on the lessons learned. Repetition builds momentum. Just by showing up and doing the work, you feel like something larger is happening. All about you. When you remain in the mindset of doing a...

Making Masks There is a curious thing about mask making. Firstly, the copying of one’s facial form seems so primitive by nature. The feel of the materials changing from wet to dry as if mirroring the cycle nature. The sense of being progressively covered, as if you are...

What To Write When You Don't Know What To Write My morning journalling has a natural flow that I've become accustomed to. Usually, it's about answering the first question that comes to mind. Often, this is enough to directly enter a flow allowing my higher self...

Words with Art Piggy backing off one of the ideas from my last post, how could words be combined with images? There could be explorerd in many ways. Let's brainstorm: writing over drawings, print transfers, writing on art boarders, stencils, masking letters, drawings with stories, writing...